Monday, May 9, 2011

Just Putting it out there...

This is not for everyone, but after you read this, some people will know who i am talking I decided to talk about it right here...on my blog....where I'm "so dramatic"....

I just thought I would like to say how hilarious I think it is that a lot of these people are saying all of these comments about's like they really know who I am. Especially those who I have dated already, saying stuff like...hmm pssh I don't crazy, and all I care about is myself. Wow.....great job you guys...great job. This just comes to show that you don't know me because all of those things that you have said is not true. Sure....maybe my blogs are a little bit dramatic, but I was just showing on what's going on in my mind and what has been going on in the past. Plus...last time I checked....I'm an art student...I'm pretty sure it's ok for me to be dramatic if I want to. And what's up with everyone always saying I am texting every girl I know. I'm so sorry that I cannot talk to my friends....I didn't know it was bad to talk to friends that are girls. Oh, and those of you that say shit about me and I don't even talk to you, you might as well just stop. You don't know me and I don't know you...and I have not said anything about you because I don't know you can just back off.'s getting really really retarded. And now, apparently I'm using people just cuz I am quit acting like you know me. Whatever I said about people and what I thought about people, that were nice, was not bullshit. I meant that stuff; you think what I did two weeks ago was easy for me? You think it was easy for me to move on? Think again!!!! I have tried explaining it to you in person...what I really thought...and you even agreed meeting with me that next day to talk to in person and you did not respond with when and where you wanted to meet. And you tell me I don't care about you....after you not responding so we can talk in person.....that actually says something to me right there. And if you're gonna agree what everyone else says about me, which are still not true....go ahead...I may have actually cared before, but now, I don't give a fuck!

If you have something to say about me, come say it to my face, I wont be pissed...not at all....I'll just be happy enough that you had enough balls to say it to my face. Now.....just let it out.....

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